Improving the organization of educational work in the system of secondary vocational education based of the experience of vocational education of the USSR

  • Roman S. Silkin

    Roman S. Silkin. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


The article is devoted to the current problem of educational work, which is an integral part of newly designed professional educational programs that are being implemented in Russia's vocational institutions. The analysis of the currently proposed sample programs concluded
that they need to be improved and supplemented. To this end, it is proposed to refer to the experience that has been accumulated in the system of vocational education in the USSR on this issue. The article aims to summarize the experience of educational work in the system of voca-
tional education of the USSR; it examines the ways to set tasks, select forms and methods necessary to achieve them, and assess their effectiveness and possible applicability in modern conditions. The study has employed a bibliographic analysis of scientific publications, regulations and methodological materials on the issue. As a result of the research, the tasks of educational work in the system of vocational education of the USSR at various time stages are highlighted, the main components in the forms and methods of educational work are identified, their evolution is traced, and the concepts relevant to the modern system of vocational education are singled out. The results of the study can be used to further improve regulations and methodological materials at the federal level and to design educational programs in secondary vocational institutions.
Keywords: secondary vocational education, upbringing, education programs, history of vocational education, State Committee for Vocational Education of the USSR, communist education, labor education, vocational education, ideological and political education, moral education.